
Bill Smee has lived and thrived along the frontiers of storytelling over a long and distinguished career. His work has run the gamut from news and documentary to lifestyle content to brand stories. And he has worked across a range of formats that include verite, animation, hosted segments, narrative podcasts, and social media shorts. 

Over the years, Smee has cultivated a network of creative collaborators— directors, videographers, writers, editors, sound engineers, animators and graphic artists—  who share a singular talent: they bring stories to life.

Smee is a rapid adapter in an ever-changing video and podcast production landscape, always questioning conventional wisdom and prevailing assumptions. He embraces experimentation and seeks and finds ways to deliver top-quality content for a very competitive price point.

Brands and Clients:

discovery logo.png
huff post logo.jpg
nbc news logo.png
slate logo.png
leukemia & lymphoma society logo.jpg
nyt loho.jpg
partnership healthier america.png
cnn logo red.jpg
american university logo.png